NUBWAY RF Microneedling

To rejuvenate skin, boost collagen stimulation, and provide months of radiance, microneedling should be on your late summer to-do list.
Microneedling is the ultimate skincare treatment for its long list of cosmetic benefits (add to the list above: finer pores, smoother skin and wrinkles, increased elasticity, and removal of acne scars). At The Nubway, the most advanced RF microneedling device available today. This “hit” is almost painless and requires no recovery time.
During the treatment, the pen is moved over the designated area of ​​interest and a microscopic puncture is created under the epidermis using a patented robotic precision delivery system. This causes wounds, in order to repair them, the body produces collagen and elastin, which tighten the skin. Although painless, the skin may be slightly red and cosmetics are not recommended for 24 hours after microneedling.
It may take four to six weeks after treatment for the full benefit to occur. The whole face microneedling procedure lasts about 20 minutes. although a series of three to four treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart is usually required. To maintain the effect, treatment every six months is recommended.

Post time: Aug-30-2022